Last Updated Time:
02-02-2025 11:47:29
History of Load Dispatch Centres
The Indian Electricity Act, 2003 mandates the establishment of NLDCs, RLDCs and SLDCs to ensure integrated operation of grid in a reliable, efficient and secure manner in the area of their jurisdiction.
As per G.B. Pradhan Committee report, there are 33 SLDCs including DVC and BBMBC Control Center, five RLDCs and one NLDC in India. In most states, currently, SLDCs are functioning under the state transmission utility.
History of SLDC Manipur
Prior to unbundling of the Electricity Department, Government of Manipur (EDM), the supervision and control of the state grid was primarily executed by the Executive Engineer, Sub-transmission system and Executive Engineer, Substation Construction Division I (under Transmission Circle), while commercial activities and accounting for purchase of power were executed by the Executive Engineer Substation Construction Division No. I, under (Commercial Circle).
After unbundling of EDM, as per the transfer scheme 2013 issued vide notification No. 5/5/2011-power dated 31st December 2013, SLDC Manipur has been functioning under the State Transmission Utility i.e. Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) under SE/GM (Transmission Circle) as its nodal officer with a meagre staff in a make shift control room at Keishampat Electricity Complex. The primary function of SLDC then was limited to load scheduling and demand control as to avoid deviation.
Post unbundling, the transmission and sub-station capacity of the state has increased due to the completion of a number of projects. Power availability for Manipur state has also increased due to increasing firm allocation from various Inter State Generating Stations and shared project. Accordingly, state distribution utility starts participating in energy market and banking. On the other hand, load demand has been enhanced with completion of RGGVY and ARDRP projects. Both STU and SDU has accomplished tremendous augmentation and capacity addition there by making power systems more complicated. With the growth of state power sector, the need for a proper SLDC has become more and more pronounced. Consequently, in pursuance of the Indian Electricity Act 2003 Clause No. 31, the Government of Manipur, Secretariat Power Department passed an order bearing No. 60/4/2015-Power dated 18th September 2015 for establishment of SLDC Manipur as an independent entity by segregating form the MSPCL, in the form of a society. The Society, "Manipur State Load Dispatch Society", is to be registered under the Manipur Society Registration act. However, SLDC needs to be ring fenced first. A road map for ring fencing and establishment of SLDC has been prepared and actions are being taken up accordingly.
Current scenario
At present, SLDC Manipur is functioning under MSPCL with GM SLDC, as nodal officer. SLDC Manipur is currently carrying out real time operation for grid control, optimum scheduling and dispatch of electricity within the state through secure and economic operation of State Grid in accordance with Grid Standard and IEGC. SLDC Manipur also keeps accounts of the quantity of electricity transmitted through state grid and monitor market operation. Unlike other SLDCs of the country, Manipur SLDC performs supervision and control of 33kV Sub-transmission system and also monitors the operation of distribution system. SLDC coordinates the operational activities of the two major power companies of the state and central utilities in line with NERLDC.
As of late, construction of SLDC Control Room at 132/33kV Yurembam Sub-station complex is completed. The establishment of full-fledged SLDC Control Room with SCADA/EMS system at par with national standard is in completion stage. Once, the SCADA/EMS system of SLDC Control Room at Yurembam, is commissioned, automatic data acquisition from different RTUs of the sub-stations could be effected for the purpose of load flow analysis, load forecasting and power system analysis for the intra state system.
The present annual report is prepared on the basis of data acquired from NERLDC and the reports from the STU and SDU of the state.